By CasiMods ® カシ改造
Hand-modified individually
Base Model


Once you’re knee-deep into watch modifications, it’s tough to turn off the radar that’s constantly scouting for ideas. I’ve seen many minimalist mods of the Casio Royale, so I knew I wanted to add complexity and design details to this timepiece while retaining the industrial and technical aesthetic of the base watch. But I didn’t know what the theme would be. That is until I came across the nuclear symbol. After some sketching, the result is the post-apocalyptic AE1200. Being the 8th official project, I included the “008” across the top.

Benson C.

The Modifications
I have broken the project down to the following modifications. Most of the mod processes are difficult to depict by words, so I plan to launch a series of tutorials and behind the scenes soon. You can visit the YouTube channel to subscribe

Base Watch: Casio AE1200
Metal Screws Addition
Script Removal
Nuclear Sign Addition
“008” Custom Texts
Red Dot on Map
Grid Window Overlay
Minor Weathering
Custom ZULU strap
Custom Backlit Graphic
Video Overview
Design Process // Drag to view ↔

Custom Backlit Graphic
